Grab your mug; Sunday is National Coffee Day and we’re celebrating!
The Newest Coffee Shop
Café UBUNTU in Maai Mahiu, Kenya is a project of Comfort The Children International opens in a new tab (CTC International), a non-profit that works alongside Kenyan communities to create sustainable change. The soon-to-be opened café will not only be self-sustaining and create jobs, it will also offer modern bathroom accommodations and become a beacon for the roughly one million tourists who drive through the area each year. It will serve as a much-needed health and nutrition resource center for the Rift Valley and will host income-generating supper clubs and provide education to the community about sustainable farming too.To mark the opening of the café, Allegro Coffee is releasing specially-marked packages of Café UBUNTU blend beginning this Friday, September 27. Various African co-op growers in the Rift Valley grow the beans, which are roasted to create depth of flavor and a luxurious body.
Weekend Sale!
What’s the buzz? This weekend only, from Friday, September 27th through to Sunday Sept. 29th Café UBUNTU Blend from Allegro is just $8.99/lb in bulk and $8.99 per 12-oz package* (ground or whole bean) in our US (price varies in Hawaii) and Canada stores. That’s a $4 savings.
*The sale price in Hawaii is $11.99/lb in bulk and $11.99 per 12-oz package. Sorry this sale is not valid in our UK stores.
Availability and limits may vary by region, so please contact your store for details opens in a new tab. While supplies last. Most of our stores do not provide rain checks for sales like this.
Plus, if you’re in one of our stores on National Coffee Day (Sunday), visit the Allegro coffee bar. They’re donating 50 cents of every cup of brewed coffee sold that day to CTC International.
Wake Up and Smell the Recipes
There are many ways to make the most of coffee beans and grounds. For example, it was love at first taste when I discovery affogato, the marriage made in heaven combo of ice-cream-and-coffee.Here’s a similar recipe opens in a new tab.
Coffee adds an earthy, floral flavor – not to mention a hit of caffeine – to every dish it encounters. Sweet or savory, these beans pack a punch. Here are a few of my favorite recipes.

Also, they don't call it coffee cake for nothing. Make one of these coffee cake recipes opens in a new tab to enjoy alongside your morning cup of Café UBUNTU Blend.
Daily Grind
Don’t waste those grounds either! Add spent coffee grounds to your houseplants (but be sure the pets stay away) or make a body exfoliator. For a body scrub that will wake you up, mix together 1/2 cup of coffee grounds, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and add a dash of cinnamon in a non-breakable bowl. In the shower, after your skin has warmed in the water, use firm, circular movements to apply the scrub all over your body. Allow it to soak in for two minutes, then rinse off.
In your favorite mug while you read the paper. Alongside coffee cake and good company. Poured over ice cream. What’s your favorite way to enjoy coffee?